
Saturday 25 February 2017

Chanel Fine Jewelry Coco Crush Collection

Hello everyone !

Today I'm going to show you the pictures I have found of Chanel's new jewelry collection : Coco Crush.
The beautiful actress Keira Knightley is the face of this collection and the images were shot by the photographer Mario Testino.
Hope you like them !

Click on the pictures to see them full size.

I also found an interview that you might like to watch :

And the video advertisement :

Sources :

Hope you are all well.
Have a great week !

Saturday 18 February 2017

Pride and Prejudice

Hello everyone !

For today's post I've decided to show you some photos of one of my all time favourite movies : Pride and Prejudice (2005), directed by Joe Wright.
The music, composed by Dario Marianelli, is awesome too.
I just love everything about this movie : the story, the characters, the actors, the places, the light, the music, etc.

Also, I have inserted some parts of the script, to help you imagine or remember each scene. 

If you haven't watched it yet, you really must watch it !
And don't forget to tell me in the comments if you love this movie too, and what scene is your favourite !

The Bennets : Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty, Lydia and Mrs. Bennet.

Elizabeth Bennet (Keira Knightley) and Jane Bennet (Rosamund Pike) walking at Meryton village.

Elizabeth Bennet dancing with Mr. Darcy (Matthew Macfadyen) at the Netherfield ball.

Elizabeth : I love this dance.
Darcy : Indeed. Most invigorating.
Elizabeth : It is your turn to say something, Mr Darcy. I talked about the dance, now you ought to remark on the size of the room or the number of couples.
Darcy : I am perfectly happy to oblige, please advise me of what you would like most to hear.
Elizabeth : That reply will do for present. Perhaps by and by, I may observe that private balls are much pleasanter than public ones. For now we may remain silent.
Darcy : Do you talk as a rule while dancing ?
Elizabeth : No. No, I prefer to be unsociable and taciturn. Makes it all so much more enjoyable, don't you think ?
Darcy : Tell me do you and your sisters very often walk to Meryton ?
Elizabeth : Yes, we often walk to Meryton. It is a great opportunity to meet new people. In fact when you met us we'd just had the pleasure of forming a new acquaintance.
Darcy : Mr Wickham is blessed with such happy manners, he is sure of making friends - whether he is capable of retaining them is less certain.
Elizabeth : He's been so unfortunate as to lose your friendship. And I dare say that is an irreversible event ?
Darcy : It is. Why do you ask such a question ?
Elizabeth : To make out your character, Mr Darcy.
Darcy : And what have you discovered ?
Elizabeth : Very little. I hear such different accounts of you as puzzle me exceedingly.
Darcy : I hope to afford you more clarity in the future.

Elizabeth Bennet dancing with Mr. Darcy (Matthew Macfadyen) at the Netherfield ball.

Mr. Darcy declares his love to Elizabeth and proposes.

Darcy : Miss Elizabeth, I have struggled in vain and I can bear it no longer. These past months have been a torment. I came to Rosings with the single object of seeing you, I had to see you. I have fought against my better judgement, my family's expectations, the inferiority of your birth, my rank and circumstance. All these things, and I am willing to put them aside and ask you to end my agony.
Elizabeth : I don't understand.
Darcy : I love you. Most ardently. Please do me the honour of accepting my hand.
Elizabeth : Sir, I... I appreciate the struggle you have been through, and I am very sorry to have caused you pain. Believe me, it was unconsciously done.
Darcy :  Is this your reply ?
Elizabeth : Yes, sir.
Darcy : Are you... are you laughing at me ?
Elizabeth : No.
Darcy : Are you rejecting me ?
Elizabeth : I'm sure that the feelings which, as you've told me have hindered your regard, will help you in overcoming it.
Darcy : Might I ask why, with so little endeavour at civility, I am thus repulsed ?
Elizabeth : And I might as well enquire why, with so evident a design of insulting me, you chose to tell me that you liked me against your better judgement.
Darcy : No, believe me, I didn't mean ...
Elizabeth : If I was uncivil, then that is some excuse. But I have other reasons, you know I have.
Darcy : What reasons ?
Elizabeth : Do you think that anything might tempt me to accept the man who has ruined, perhaps for ever, the happiness of a most beloved sister ? Do you deny it, Mr. Darcy ? That you separated a young couple who loved each other, exposing your friend to the censure of the world for caprice and my sister to its derision for disappointed hopes, and involving them both in misery of the acutest kind !
Darcy : I do not deny it.
Elizabeth : How could you do it ?
Darcy : Because I believed your sister indifferent to him.
Elizabeth : Indifferent ?
Darcy : I watched them most carefully and realised his attachment was deeper than hers.
Elizabeth : That's because she's shy !
Darcy : Bingley too, is modest and was persuaded that she didn't feel strongly for him.
Elizabeth :  Because you suggested it !
Darcy : I did it for his own good !
Elizabeth : My sister hardly shows her true feelings to me ! I suppose you suspect that his ... his fortune had some bearing on the matter ?
Darcy : No, believe me I wouldn't do your sister the dishonour. Though it was suggested...
Elizabeth : What was ?
Darcy : It was made perfectly clear that an advantageous marriage...
Elizabeth : Did my sister give that impression ?
Darcy : No ! No, there was, however, I have to admit, the matter of your family...
Elizabeth : Our want of connection ? Mr. Bingley didn't seem to vex himself about that ...
Darcy : No, it was more than that.
Elizabeth : How, sir ?
Darcy : It was the lack of propriety shown by your mother, your three younger sisters, and even, on occasion, your father. Forgive me. You and your sister I must exclude from this.
Elizabeth : And what about Mr. Wickham ?
Darcy : Mr. Wickham ?
Elizabeth :  What excuse can you give for your ... your behaviour towards him ?
Darcy : You take an eager interest in that gentleman's concerns.
Elizabeth : He told me of his misfortunes.
Darcy : Oh, yes, his misfortunes have been very great indeed.
Elizabeth : You ruin his chances and yet you treat him with sarcasm.
Darcy : So this is your opinion of me. Thank you for explaining so fully. Perhaps these offences might have been overlooked had not your pride been hurt...
Elizabeth :  My pride ?
Darcy : ... by my honesty in admitting scruples about our relationship. Could you expect me to rejoice in the inferiority of your circumstances ?
Elizabeth : And those are the words of a gentleman. From the first moment I met you, your arrogance and conceit, your selfish disdain for the feelings of others made me realise that you were the last man in the world I could ever be prevailed upon to marry.
Darcy : Forgive me, madam, for taking up so much of your time.

Mr. Darcy declares his love to Elizabeth and proposes.

Elizabeth Bennet.

Elizabeth Bennet.

The Bennets, Caroline Bingley, Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy at Netherfield.

Netherfield Butler : A Mrs. Bennet, a Miss Bennet, a Miss Bennet and a Miss Bennet, sir.
Caroline Bingley : Oh for heaven's sake, are we to receive every Bennet in the country ?

The Bennets.

The Bennets.

The Bennets.

Elizabeth Bennet after her friend Charlotte Lucas tells her she is engaged to Mr. Collins.

Charlotte Lucas : Not all of us can afford to be romantic, Lizzy.

Elizabeth Bennet after her friend Charlotte Lucas tells her she is engaged to Mr. Collins.

Charlotte Lucas, Elizabeth Bennet and Jane Bennet at the Meryton ball.

Elizabeth : So which of the painted peacocks is our Mr. Bingley ?
Charlotte Lucas : Well he's on the right and on the left is his sister.
Elizabeth : And the person with the quizzical brow ?
Charlotte Lucas : That is his good friend, Mr. Darcy.
Elizabeth : The miserable poor soul !
Charlotte Lucas : Miserable, he may be, but poor he most certainly is not.
Elizabeth : Tell me.
Charlotte Lucas : Ten thousand a year and he owns half of Derbyshire.
Elizabeth : The miserable half ?

Elizabeth Bennet.

Elizabeth Bennet.

Elizabeth Bennet.

Georgiana Darcy and Mr. Darcy.

Elizabeth : What a beautiful pianoforte.
Georgiana Darcy : My brother gave it to me. He shouldn't have.
Mr. Darcy : Yes, I should've.
Georgiana Darcy : Oh, very well then.
Mr. Darcy : Easily persuaded, is she not ?
Elizabeth : Your unfortunate brother once had to put up with my playing for a whole evening.
Georgiana Darcy : But he says you play so well.
Elizabeth : Then he has perjured himself most profoundly.
Mr. Darcy : No I said, played quite well.
Elizabeth : Oh, "quite well" is not "very well." I'm satisfied.

Mr. Darcy smiling to Elizabeth.

Georgiana Darcy : Do you play duets Miss Bennet ?
Elizabeth : Only when forced.
Georgiana Darcy : Brother, you must force her.

Mr Darcy, Georgiana Darcy, Elizabeth Bennet and the Gardiners.

Mr. Darcy proposes to Elizabeth for the second time.

Elizabeth : I couldn't sleep.
Darcy : Nor I. My aunt...
Elizabeth : Yes, she was here.
Darcy : How could I ever make ammends for such a behaviour ?
Elizabeth : After what you have done for Lydia, and I suspect for Jane also, it is I who should be making ammends.
Darcy : You must know... surely, you must know it was all for you. You are too generous to trifle with me. I believe you spoke with my aunt last night, and it has taught me to hope as I'd scarcely allowed myself before. If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes have not changed, but one word from you will silence me forever. If, however, your feelings have changed, I will have to tell you : you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.
Elizabeth : Well then. Your hands are cold.

Mr. Darcy proposes to Elizabeth for the second time.

Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy.

Elizabeth Bennet.

And finally two extra pictures, just because Keira Knightley is so beautiful !

Image Source : Google images,
Text Source : Google,

Hope you are all well.
Have a great week !

Saturday 11 February 2017

Inspiration 6

Hello everyone !

Hope you are all well and you’re having a wonderful weekend ?
I just found this pictures and thought I had to share them with you !
Hope you like them !

Sources : (Rosie Huntington Whiteley)
Dior - Diorama Handbag

Have a great week !

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Birth of Light

Hello everyone !

As a continuation of my last post, today I'm going to show you some pictures about the details of the Elie Saab Spring / Summer 2017 Haute Couture Show.
As they said, this collection intended to reminisce the golden age of Egypt,
through a modern reinterpretation of oriental patterns and stones.

Hope you like them (as much as I do) !

Source :

Hope you are all well.
Have a great week !